板凳上books & 法院的指导

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板凳上books & 法院的指导

的 2023 Domestic Violence 板凳上book (latest version)

的 citations in this benchbook have been abbreviated to improve the flow of the text. 引用第741条.30, Florida Statutes, appears as § 741.30. All references are to the 2019 Florida Statutes.

2023 Florida 家庭暴力 板凳上bookPDF下载  is a comprehensive resource guide for judges who are on the domestic violence bench, or who may be expected to review filed petitions for protection against domestic violence, 性暴力, 约会暴力, 重复暴力, 或跟踪. 的 benchbook provides information on every step of the injunction process, complete with flowcharts and checklists designed to provide at-a-glance illumination of the procedures the judge must follow to comply with Florida law. It also contains a legal civil outline, 证据的概述, and criminal domestic violence outline, each complete with case law and statutory authority.

家庭暴力 按组别划分的基准


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Preview of Video Thumnails for 节n 2 (Decorative)

节n 第三:



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节n X:




这个更新 手册 is designed for court staff that manage domestic violence cases. 的 Guidelines address case flow management, pre-hearing问题, 家庭暴力的动态, 听证会, 合规, 还有很多其他的话题.

Florida Judicial Promising Practices Guide for 家庭暴力 Injunction Cases June 2019

出版PDF下载 was developed by judges and stakeholders to assist Florida judges with court and circuit procedures and courtroom security. It also offers several promising practices to assist with 听证会, 培训, and working as a team with court administration. 这 guide will improve judicial decision-making, as well as helping judges ensure an effective judicial process.

Lawyers Manual on 家庭暴力 2016

的 New York State Judicial Committee on Women in the Courts  recently released their updated " Lawyers Manual on 家庭暴力PDF下载."

的 2023 Sexual Violence 板凳上book

2023 Florida Sexual Violence 板凳上bookPDF下载 is a comprehensive resource guide for judges who are on the criminal bench and anticipate that they will hear cases involving 性暴力. 的 benchbook provides information on the 听证会 that courts routinely hold, complete with flowcharts and checklists designed to provide at-a-glance as well as in-depth analysis of the criminal procedures impacted by the nature of the crime.

Other Related Articles and Guides

Mediation and 家庭暴力 Reference Guide - August 2016

的 OFC has produced a reference guide to be used by mediators to learn more about the relationship dynamics surrounding domestic violence that can often frustrate the purpose of mediation.  It also provides information on how to proceed with a mediation if domestic violence is suspected.

For mor23e articles and other helpful resources, please see our 图书馆资源 页面.

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